Digital Convergence Research Laboratory
The Digital Convergence Research Laboratory is conducting major research and development in an attempt to promote ICT Convergence, Intellectual Informatization, and Digital Transformation of the Nation and Society (city, traffic, welfare, environment, defense, safety, etc.). The laboratory is researching and developing key technologies to establish intelligent ICT solutions for solving the problems of people's life. In particular, the laboratory is playing a leading role in improving the safety and quality of people’s life by performing research & development, which will create a smart city and intelligent transport/logistics ICT infrastructure with air mobility technology, consumer-oriented new manufacturing and energy industry ecosystem, a new generation of medical intelligence for realizing 100 years of health, and accomplish intelligence of defense ICT and public/industrial safety.
⬥ Vision : Digital Convergence Research Laboratory as the trusted partner solving public and social problems
⬥ R&R : Digital Convergence Technology R&D for the 4th Industrial Revolution
Senior Vice PresidentKIM, Seung Hwan
- TEL.+82-42-860-5465
Digital Convergence Research Laboratory
- Research Support Section