Daegu-Gyeongbuk Research Division
The Daegu-Gyeongbuk Research Center was established in 2006 and serves as a technology hub for fostering regional strategic industries in Daegu and Gyeongbuk, including strengthening R&D capabilities, strengthening technological competitiveness, and creating added value in ICT and major industries. To this end, we are striving to strengthen the R&D capabilities of new regional industries in connection with regional strategic industries by upgrading ICT convergence technologies in smart city/intelligent robot/smart medical/future mobility. By supporting the development of demand-based customized technologies by local SMEs, and focusing on the commercialization of technologies by supporting difficult technologies and advising local companies, and disseminating and spreading ETRI technologies, it is becoming a regional hub research center.
○ Vision : Research Institute for Digital Innovation in Daegu-Gyeongbuk
○ Goal :
Leading the commercialization of regional specialized convergence technology
Performing a digital transformation R&BD hub for sustainable regional growth
Vice PresidentBYUN, Woo Jin
- TEL.+82-53-670-8100
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Research Center
- Research Support Section