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Technology PioneerMaking Happy Future through Digital Innovation

ETRI Notice

ETRI enters MOU with ASTU(Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia) for cooperation

  • Writer관리자
  • Date2018.05.30
  • Hits3911

ETRI and ASTU(Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia) enter a MOU for establishing ICT partnership on June 1st, 2018. The goal of the MOU is the exchange of technology information, human resource exchange and cooperation for collaborative research and development project.


ASTU is the leading university for science technology in Ethiopia. To maintain its initiative, ASTU operates eight strategic laboratories: STI(Space Technology Institute), IPS(Institute of Pharmaceutical Science), etc. where some Korean professors are taking charge of those centers operation.


With the signing of the MOU, ETRI and ASTU expect to contribute for accelerating the cooperation in ICT area between Korea and Ethiopia.