Deep Neural Networks for Forest Fire Detection from UAV
- WriterSu-Jin Youn
- Date2018.07.23
- Hits14353
- File
Deep Neural Networks for Forest Fire Detection from UAV
Technology Summary
- The technology is developed for disaster recognition and response by utilizing an UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and an image analysis server.
- Deep convolutional neural networks(CNNs) were selected as a fire detection method for the image analysis system.
- The system is comprised of UAV control system, image analysis system, disaster forecasting system, Web-based visualization system, alert system, and disaster response scenario database.
- The procedure including the image capturing, transferring and analyzing is performed in real time in order to provide immediate recognition result to a decision support system for disaster management.
- The system can be extended to support other kinds of disasters like flood and earthquake.
Contact Info.: Su-Jin Youn, +82-42-860-5092,