3D Printing with Composite Materials
- WriterSu-Jin Youn
- Date2018.05.14
- Hits14096
- File
3D Printing with Composite Materials
Technology Summary
- 3D printing eletronics is the manufacturing of electronic devices by 3D circuit's modeling and 3D printing processes.
- 3D printed electronic devices are equivalent to the plastic itself with the circuitry (i.e., wiring and limped RLC circuits) not only on exterior surface but also within interior structures
- Development of composite metals with a high conductivity, low Tmelt (< 400 ℃), various viscosity (10~10,000 cp), and various carrot (< 22 K)
- Capability in 3D printing the composite metals (Cu, Au, etc) and polymers simultaneously by a material jetting(MJ) or FDM
Contact Info.: Su-Jin Youn, +82-42-860-5092, sjy@etri.re.kr