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KOREAN   vol.30 2015.01.09
 Headline news
Development of an Ultrahigh-Frequency Measurement Analysis System
ETRI developed the core module technology for terahertz waves that can accurately measure thickness and detect toxic gases during the application of paint on vessels. It also provides the capability to measure extraordinary patterns contained in ancient documents.

This core module beams long-wave light to examine physical properties of objects by exploiting the properties of terahertz(THz) waves, which easily penetrate objects that cannot be penetrated by light.

Together with the core module with the principle of analyzing physical properties of a certain object by beaming terahertz waves to it, ETRI also developed a photomixer, a photoelectric converter that concentrates two laser sources into a chip and converts light to electricity. Based on such accomplishments, ETRI has enabled the manufacturing of terahertz application systems with the size of an ordinary notebook.
Furthermore, while it has been difficult to distribute terahertz systems due to high costs, large volume, and heavy weight, this new technology holds significance in that it overcomes most of these shortcomings.

ETRI predicts that this new system will help quality monitoring at production facilities and assist measurement and analysis of elements in materials or oils in the process of scientific criminal investigations.