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Flying High to Be World’s Best Developtainment

Developtainment Co. Ltd.

Entertainment management refers to a company that fosters entertainers, such as singers and actors, and supports their professional activities. What if there were a company that fostered developers who develop technologies needed to manufacture a product, supported their activities by forming a developers network, and planned new technology? CEO Lee Jong-geon established such a company and named it Developtainment Co. Ltd.


Toward Easily Accessible Technology

The CEO of Developtainment, Lee Jong-geon, who long dreamed of a start-up, had a question in his mind: Is there any way to help non-professionals having a creative start-up idea to easily access and utilize the relevant technologies? The answer that he found was ‘developtainment’, ‘a blend word of ‘developer’ and ‘entertainment management.’ This is a wholly new concept or word not only in Korea but also in other countries. Lee is an engineer who worked as a hardware and software developer for 15 years in an ICT company. Technologies are freely open to everyone to realize an idea in a product, but developing a technology-based product is a hard task even for engineers.


Combining of Mobile Devices and Sensor Modules

APPSKIT is the combination of APPS (mobile apps) and KIT (electronic module) and has been registered as a trademark. A separate hardware product is necessary to analyze the information obtained by connecting a mobile device and an IoT device and to transmit the information through the internet. APPSKIT was designed to realize various functions in connection with existing sensors without developing a separate hardware product. The APPSKIT products consist of a hub-module and node-modules. A hardware product that is necessary to a mobile device may be immediately prepared by selectively connecting the modules and installing them in the device. The core technologies include open-type hardware allowing free attachment and detachment, open source software for sensor signal conversion and data processing, and an app displaying the collected data on a mobile device.


ETRI as Reliable Fence

Developtainment Co. Ltd., established as a corporation last January, recently released its first product and is now preparing to enter into a Korean online shopping mall exclusively for engineering. The manufacturing and selling of a prototype and a trial product were carried out almost at the same time. This was possible because of thorough preparation. The CEO, Mr. Lee, stated that the company could not have carried out the commercialization so rapidly without ETRI as a reliable supporter and a reliable supporter and a protective wall. Immediately after Lee was selected as a preliminary start-up founder, ETRI provided tangible and intangible help for the foundation in a substantial way. He summarized the five essential supports that ETRI provided to him as a preliminary start-up founder in the last six months: external mentoring, customer compass, networking, start-up education, and trial product preparation. Now, with the help of ETRI as a reliable protector, Developtainment is preparing to go out to the large field. Step by step, Developtainment is approaching the dream of being the world's best developer entertainment management.

Mini interview

History of Developtainment

Company Status
- Establishment / January, 2017
- Ceo / Lee, Jong-geon
- Address / 11-201, ETRI, 218 Gajeongro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
- Tel / 82 - 42 - 860 - 0410
- Website / www.appskit.co.kr
- Open-type electronic modules for item mobile apps

Advice from Start-Up Founder to Preliminary Founders

Let’s do ‘dam management’
Dam management is a metaphor where a company is compared to a dam and resources to river water. The principle of dam management is that human resources and financial resources should be reserved, just as river water is reserved behind a dam. People usually think of ideas, technology, markets, and marketing in relation to a start-up. However, the principle of dam management is that the success of a business is dependent on the amount of reserved human and financial resources. The principle may be too early for a new-born start-up company, but dam management has been deeply inscribed in the mind of the CEO of Developtainment, Lee Jong-geon.

Three Key Words of Start-Ups
The first is conviction. In the process of deciding and preparing a start-up, time of uncertainty may be wasted in the absence of the conviction about the market and the success. The second and third key words help to build unshakable conviction. The second key word is learning. Analysis and studies should be carried out about the start-up environment and the marketability of the business item. In particular, we have to learn financing and accounting, which are critical in the early stage of management. The third key word is examination. The technical feasibility of the business items that the company has must be continuously examined.