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KOREAN   vol.30 2015.01.09
 Headline news
ETRI Succeeds in Localization of Next-Generation Optical Network Equipment
The Electronic and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI) succeeded in developing localization technology for network equipment between access networks and core networks, making high-speed Internet services possible with Korean technology.

The newly developed equipment is 100 times faster than the current Internet access speed of 100Mbps and delivers a speed of 10Gbps per subscriber. Thanks to ETRI’s localization efforts, Korea can now produce its own optical network equipment instead of relying on imports.

Moreover, the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector(ITU-T) and Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF) selected ETRI’s technology as an international standard.
Chung Hyun Kyu, head of the Communications & Internet Research Laboratory at ETRI, said, “Similar to how the conductor of an orchestra leads various instruments to create a symphony, ETRI will cooperate with small and medium equipment companies to deliver a total solution, covering all networks from access to transport. These local companies will be able to enjoy more than 100 billion won per year in new sales.”

ETRI expects the technology to facilitate the provision of numerous services such as 5G mobile communications, cloud computing, ambient intelligence and high-quality multimedia. Next-generation optical networking equipment will also play an important role in boosting the country’s optical communications industry.