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VOL.28 · February · 2017 · English

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Headline News 1
First AOC Fair to Create a Culture of Research

It is crucial to build R&D capacity to create future-oriented industries and develop the nation’s science sector. This explains why Korean as well as international global businesses have consistently expanded their R&D investment despite the dismal economic prospects in recent years. Even a small regression in technological competitiveness could result in a serious blow to business.

ETRI also has engaged in pioneering R&D activities characterized by the modifier “world’s first” because it understands that R&D capacity will define the nation’s competitive edge and success in the future.

Members at ETRI have organized a number of AOCs (autonomous open communities), spontaneously formed communities, to take an in-depth approach to research. The groups participate in discussion in shared areas of interest and create novel ideas. Some communities such as “a meeting for socially underprivileged” and “VIVA silver meeting” aim to develop well-intended technologies beneficial to certain groups of people.

After the spontaneous AOC activities launched by ETRI researchers, the institute held the 1st AOC Fair at its premises on January 24. The event was designed to enable researchers to share each AOC’s activities and research topics and to look back at the past activities. In addition, the participants discussed the challenges and difficulties they had experienced in the course of managing their meetings and possible measures to vitalize their communities.

The AOC Fair offered a valuable opportunity to help researchers share their experience and plans for the future. Continuing their activities, the open communities will benefit society and bolster up the institute’s R&D capacity.

Headline News 2
IDX Technology Seminar on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence dominated the field of ICT throughout the year 2016. As the era of IoT has arrived to spearhead the Fourth Industrial Revolution, AI is now drawing attention as a core ICT element in 2017 for convergence with multiple areas.

Against the backdrop of such technological trends and as part of its IDX Technology Seminar, ETRI’s Protocol Engineering Center held a seminar on January 23 at the institute’s auditorium and invited speakers to share their insight about AI.

The first part’s theme was “Ways to utilize deep learning of AWS, Amazon’s AI service.” Using a range of multimedia materials, technology evangelist Seok-chan Yun demonstrated cases of AI services currently used by Amazon. In addition, he attracted ETRI researchers’ attention by introducing ways to utilize AWS (Amazon Web Services) in research activities, as well as Amazon Rekognition Polly and Lex, the company’s deep learning-based AI services.

The second part was a lecture of Prof. Sunghun Kim at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Under the title “Deep learning for developers and researchers,” Prof. Kim started his lecture by presenting examples of well-known AI services, such as Watson, Exobrain, and AlphaGo. He explained how the emergence of deep learning significantly reduced the occurrence of errors of AI services and brought about notable performance. The speaker continued to provide practical tips to help developers and researchers utilize TensorFlow, an open-source software library for machine learning. Seasoned with intermittent humor, the lecture efficiently conveyed the elusive issue to the ETRI researchers.


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