Observing most fixed and mobile networks are based on IP (Internet Protocol) networking technology, it is reported that the IP networking will not be sufficient to support the emergence of new various types of services and explosive increases in networking devices and data volume. To address these challenges, researchers around the world are competing to develop new networking technology based on an ID (Identifier) instead of IP. Amidst this global effort, it is reported that core technologies to realize the ID based next generation networking has been successfully developed by ETRI on December 28, 2015.
Legacy IP technology, which adopts addressed-based networking, is significantly inefficient in newly emerging network environments, for instances, where communication objects keep moving and/or multiple copies of data exists within a network. Vulnerability to malice attacks is another typical example too. On the other hand, the ID-based networking technology is fundamentally tackling the issues by assigning IDs to various communications objects such as devices, users, data, and services independently from a specific location information in secure manner and by providing real-time management of necessary location information with network capability.