‘AND’에 관한 검색결과 435건
[2018-45호] ETRI, 인공지능 서비스 개발 환경 SW 공개
방식의 워크플로우 저작도구인 웹 툴킷과 컨테이너 기반 스탠드 얼론(stand-alone) 실행환경을 제공한다. 이로써 손쉽게 인공지능 서비스를 개발 및 구축할 수 있도록 지원한다. 연구진은 본‘KSB 인공지능 프레임워크’베타버전 활용을 통해 연구과정의 개방화는 물론, 일반인으로부터 사...
연구개발보도자료 2018-07-10
LPWA(Low-Power Wide Area) IoT Network Technology
-scale populated services with reliable and secure services Public Services: Critical facility monitoring, Public Infrastructure monitoring, Child Protective Se...
ETRI Technology 2018-07-09
CMOS integrated circuits and system for affordable terahertz electronics
ㅇ 제목 : CMOS integrated circuits and system for affordable terahertz electronics ㅇ 일시 : 2018년 7월 10일 13:00~16:00 ㅇ 장소 : ETRI 3연구동 207호 부회의실 ㅇ 강사 : Univer...
전문가초청세미나 2018-07-06
테라헤르쯔 통신
CH 송호진교수 ㅇ 요약 : Due to the constant demand for higher datarate in mobile networks, new frequency bands above 100 GHz are attracting increasing interest due to ...
전문가초청세미나 2018-07-03
Edge computing and Blockchain
ㅇ 제목 : Edge computing and Blockchain ㅇ 일시 : 2018년 6월 28일(목요일) 오후 2시 ㅇ 장소 : ETRI 7연구동 386호 회의실 ㅇ 강사 : 이규명 교수님 (영국 리버풀대학교) ㅇ 요약 : 사물인터넷과 이로 인한 급...
전문가초청세미나 2018-06-27
High performance and scalable datacenter networks enabled by flow-controlled fast (nanoseconds) opt
ㅇ 제목 : High performance and scalable datacenter networks enabled by flow-controlled fast (nanoseconds) optical cross-connect switches ㅇ 일시 : 201...
전문가초청세미나 2018-06-25
Deep-learning based Speech Recognition Technology
ts (including smartphones, automobiles, and AI speakers), customer care centers (including call centers based on wired, wireless telephones, online and offline)...
ETRI Technology 2018-06-11
ETRI enters MOU with ASTU(Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia) for cooperation
ETRI and ASTU(Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia) enter a MOU for establishing ICT partnership on June 1st, 20...
ETRI Notice 2018-05-30
2018 ICT KSP participants attend “World IT Show 2018”
ence the advanced Korea IT technologies and share good cooperation opportunity with many exhibitors. Korean exhibitors were pleased to meet those delegation f...
ETRI Notice 2018-05-30
Sound Field Security Sensor
mary New sensor technology that detects and classifies security events such as fire and intrusion even in blind spots based on sound transfer function variation...
ETRI Technology 2018-05-28