‘AI’에 관한 검색결과 83건
that help people move and work in uncertain indoor and outdoor spaces. In addition, we are contributing to the creation of a mobility and robot research ecosyst...
> Introduction
ation Research Division Introduction We aim to secure long-term Artificial Intelligence technologies that can see, listen and learn like humans. Our research is...
> Introduction
echnology Research Division is with the aim of providing future strategic technologies through creative research and original research. The fostering of these c...
> Introduction
e and software strategic technology for AI. We have established a strategic goal to realize disruptive innovative computing through the development of computing...
> Introduction of Research
ion. Future Computing Research Division AI SoC Research Division Cyber Security Research Division Quantum Technology Research Division On-Device Artificial Inte...
> Introduction
ion. Future Computing Research Division AI SoC Research Division Cyber Security Research Division Quantum Technology Research Division On-Device Artificial Inte...
> Areas for Research & Development
sport/logistics ICT infrastructure with air mobility technology, consumer-oriented new manufacturing and energy industry ecosystem, a new generation of medical ...
> Introduction of Research
el. Through these efforts, our division aims to secure world-class radio wave technologies and strive to establish Korea a role model of the great digital trans...
> Introduction