‘206gh’에 관한 검색결과 335건
900MHz RFID Security Tag Chip
bility of the tag. As a component of “lightweight low-power RFID security platform technology”, it prevents replication of lightweight RFID security module in t...
ETRI Technology 2017-03-10
Simplified Optical Biosensor Chip and Reader Technology for Diagnosing Cancer
nology for measuring the biomarker through label-free detection, detect biometrics in real-time relating to cancer marker (prostate cancer, colon cancer, liver ...
ETRI Technology 2017-03-10
Real-time 3D Spatial Information Acquisition Software
g infrared image data from structured light method depth camera (real-time 3D spatial information system) equipped with infrared image sensor (Input: Infrared i...
ETRI Technology 2017-03-10
Lightweight Iris Recognition Technology for Linux Embedded Platforms
Lightweight Iris Recognition Technology for Linux Embedded Platforms The technology detects and recognizes the iris for us...
ETRI Technology 2017-03-10
Multi-license-plate cognition Technology in Natural Videos
ith ability to process images even in night times using infrared ray. ...
ETRI Technology 2017-03-10
Container code recognition technology
es the container code on front, left, right, back, and top of the container using a camera at a container terminal. It has been tested in real life and is very ...
ETRI Technology 2017-03-10
LBS Platform for High Precision Location Information
LBS Platform for High Precision Location Information LBS (Location Based Service) Platform that provides location information of both indoo...
ETRI Technology 2017-03-10
High-resolution radiation detection sensor manufacturing technology
High-resolution radiation detection sensor manufacturing technology Silicon device, which can replace vacuum tube PMT, can...
ETRI Technology 2017-03-10
2017년도 대전지역 무선통신융합 기술경쟁력 강화 및 기업역량 강화 지원사업 수혜기업 모집 공고
융합 인증획득지원 한국전자통신 연구원 황호영 책임연구원 042-860-5206 hoyhwang@etri.re.kr 노태문 책임연구원 042-860-6272 tmroh@etri.re.kr ㅇ RIPS 온라인 접수 관련 시스템 문의 기관명 담당자명 전화번호 이메일 (재)대전테크노파크 기업지...
공지사항(ETRI) 2017-03-10
Motion Analysis and Simulation of Human Body Interactions
ct and body movements using multiview high-speed cameras, and simulate and visualize the movements....
ETRI Technology 2017-03-10