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Motor Aspect of Visual Perception

  • 작성자관리자
  • 배포일2017.06.26
  • 조회수339

ㅇ 제목 : Motor Aspect of Visual Perception 

ㅇ 일시 : 2017년 6월 26일(월) 15:00~17:00

ㅇ 장소 : ETRI 7연구동 670호

ㅇ 강사 : 최윤석 교수(Texas A&M Univ., Dept. Computer Science & Engineering)

ㅇ 요약 :

In this presentation, I will talk about how the motor system plays a key role in visual perception. First, I will discuss how action through the motor system is integral to autonomous visual understanding in a sensorimotor agent. Second, I will show how visual perceptual performance can be shaped and limited by the corresponding motor performance. These results provide important theoretical insights on the sensorimotor nature of vision. Potential applications of these ideas include the analysis of the effects of movement in virtual reality and augmented reality systems.