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Electron transport through the single molecule junction formed with metal and carbon electrodes

  • 작성자관리자
  • 배포일2017.06.20
  • 조회수357

ㅇ 제목 :  Electron transport through the single molecule junction formed with metal and carbon electrodes 

ㅇ 일시 : 2017. 6. 28(수) 오후 1:30~

ㅇ 장소 : ETRI 3연구동 119 회의실

ㅇ 강사 : 김태경 교수(한국외국어대학교)

ㅇ 요약 : 

There is an increased interest in understanding electron transfer across single molecule junctions and metal/organic interfaces as this has implications in the field of organic electronics and photovoltaics. In this presentation, I will show how to measure directly the electronic energy level alignment in single molecular junctions by using a scanning tunneling microscope-based break-junction technique. Furthermore, instead of using precious metals such as Au, Ag and Pd, I will introduce a hybrid device structure with the molecule trapped across a gold/graphite gap. These junctions rectify and have among the highest rectification ratios reported for a molecular junction. This work introduces the electrode as a tunable variable for realizing nonlinear device phenomena in hybrid junctions formed with layered two-dimensional materials.