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Omnipresent Platform for Interactive Sensors

  • 작성자관리자
  • 배포일2017.05.04
  • 조회수1032

ㅇ 제목 : Omnipresent Platform for Interactive Sensors

 일시 : 2017. 5. 8(월) 오전 11:00~

 장소 : ETRI 3연구동 119 회의실

 강사 : 연세대학교 심우영 교수

 요약 :

Biomimetic structures represent an effective way to realize highly efficient materials or devices with unprecedented properties. This strategy, however, suffers from intrinsic trade-offs with costly and complex conventional fabrication processes, which make it difficult to widely adopt such technology for academic and industrial purposes. I will present a conceptually different approach—using ubiquitous materials—whereby inartificially engineered design in materials can mimic bio-inspired microstructures and substantially outperform other counterparts produced by costly microfabrication processes.