저시력자를 위한 광학 및 AR/VR 기술
- 작성자관리자
- 배포일2017.04.21
- 조회수240
ㅇ 제목 : 저시력자를 위한 광학 및 AR/VR 기술(Optics & AR/VR technologies for low vision patients)
ㅇ 일시 : 2017년 4월 21일 금요일, 15:00~
ㅇ 장소 : ETRI 6동 406호 회의실
ㅇ 강사 : 세종대학교 최희진 교수
ㅇ 요약 :
The vision is one of the most important senses of our daily life. Unfortunately, there are lots of people who are suffered from the loss of vision due to various reasons such as congenital deformity and many acquired factors such as eye diseases or traumas from accidents. Though many of us think that the loss of vision means the total blindness, there are still lots of legally blind patients who have very limited vision only and the quality of their life can be improved by using a specialized technology for them. In this presentation, various kind of technologies based on optics and display technologies including AR/VR to help people with low vision will be introduced.