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Low Power Driver-IC for MZ-Modulator and EML at Fraunhofer HHI

  • 작성자관리자
  • 배포일2017.04.17
  • 조회수578

ㅇ 제목 : Low Power Driver-IC for MZ-Modulator and EML at Fraunhofer HHI  

ㅇ 일시 : 2017. 4. 17(월) 오후 1:10~

ㅇ 장소 : ETRI 3연구동 503호 회의실

ㅇ 강사 : 독일 Fraunhofer HHI 최정환 박사

ㅇ 요약 :

Ultra-low power SiGe driver-IC for MZ-Modulator and EML will be presented. By co-designing of IC with optical device, Fraunhofer HHI achieves ultra-low power driver-IC using SiGe technology for energy efficient TOSA. The importance and the techniques of co-design concept will be explained in detail giving some examples for practical designs. In addition, the high-frequency research activities with regard to optical modules will be presented and future co-operation with ETRI shall be discussed.